About the Course
RATIONALE: Accounts is an integral part of financial management of activities. Accounting policies and procedures are designed to compile accounts fulfilling legal/procedural requirements that govern financial control. A well-designed and well managed accounting system helps ensure proper control over funds.
- To learn about structure of government account, basic accounting principles, accounting concepts and accounting terminology.
- To have an overview of administrative structure & accounting units.
- To build up technical competencies and enabling competencies like numerical analysis, problem solving & decision making, attention to details, communication and ethical behaviour for accounting work.
- General System of Financial Management: Receipts, Payments, Accounting ECR, LOC,
- LOP, Internal Audit, Audit, Cash request
- Structure and Classifications of Government Accounts
- Government Provident Fund (GPF)
- Payment System & Banking
- Provisions of GFR/DFPR with references to Bills and Sanctions
- Booking of Expenditure on behalf of other Ministries
- Appropriation and Finance Accounts
COURSE CONTENT: A balanced approach to theory and hand-on training is applied.
ELIGIBILITY: This training programme is mandatory for JSAs/SSAs/Stenos/PAs/ASOs/PSs/SOs.
RATIONALE: Most of the Indian missions and posts have now switched to Integrated Missions Accounting System (IMAS) for accounting purpose and professional expertise and standards needs to be inculcated among officials for smooth functioning. The purpose of this training programme is to provide officials with a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities when using the IMAS software. The training programme explains the application’s functionality and concepts, various features, system simulations and practice exercises.
- To get conversant with various features and applicability of IMAS software.
COURSE METHODOLOGY: Hands-on training is applied.
- Introduction and Installation of Accounts Software (IMAS)
- Operational Mission, Currencies and Wings, Entry of Rate of Exchange
- Entry of Bank Accounts, Cheque Books, Budget Allocation, DA Rates
- Entry of Employees Details subscribing GPF and NPS Separately including Emoluments and Deductions; Entry of Employee Details with GPF, HBA Recoveries, Locally Hired Employees
- Generation of Pay Bills for India Based Employees including Payment of NPS Contribution Vouchers generation-Receipt and Payment vouchers
- Generation of Pay Bills for Locally hired Employees including Payment of SSW Contribution
- Receipt Vouchers – Consular Receipts, Remittances and Recoveries
- Payment Vouchers – Contingency, Payment of very short term Advances
- Settlement of Advance Payment Vouchers and other payments
- Cash Deposit and Withdrawal, Currency Conversion affecting Gain/Loss
- Transactions for Delegations from India, Payments and receipts involving PAO Suspense,
- Civil Deposits, Defence and MEA HQ
- Supplementary Salary Bills and Transit Pay for India Based Employees
- Recovery and payment of NPS Arrears
- Bank Reconciliation, Clearance of outstanding cheques, Re-issue and cancellation of outstanding cheques
- Daily Data Backup and Sending Monthly Account to O/o Pr. CCA Electronically, Various Reports and concluding Session
ELIGIBILITY: This training programme is mandatory for JSAs/SSAs/Stenos/PAs/ASOs/PSs/SOs.
RATIONALE: This Course offers intensive exposure to salient issues, procedures and policies relevant to the visa process.
- To explore in depth the various visa classes and processing elements to promote a uniform application of visa law at all posts
- To have an increased understanding of the policy context of Visa services
- To learn about most recent policy, procedural and technical developments in Visa matters
- To brief about roles and responsibilities involved in handling Visa related work, preparing the officials to serve effectively in their assignments in Visa section
- To get conversant with various features and applicability of IVFRT software
COURSE METHODOLOGY: A balanced approach to theory and hand-on training is applied.
- Types of visas, Immigration Visa and Foreigners’ Registration and Tracking, Visa for children, Employment Visa, Visa to Foreign Missionaries, Journalists, Photographers, Visa for Conferences & Meetings, Visa for Sports Teams, Visa to various countries, Issue of Protected/Restricted Area Permit, Countries exempted from applying for visas
- Liberalised Visa Policy and latest Amendments in Visa Policy
- Visa Procedure & Checks including references to GOI and Heads of Missions & Posts
- Online Visa System, c-Visa System, c Visa Biometric enrolment, c-VISA Process & LSI, c-VISA Scanning & Visa Printing Setup, Visa Data download/ upload & Registration, Centralized BL download/checking & PRC checking, UCF System & updating of Visa Data
- Mission Support Services & Web ex Connectivity
- OCI public portal and policy matter, OCI & PIO Mission end processing
- Immigration Policy
- Unique Visa cases
ELIGIBILITY: This training programme is mandatory for JSAs/SSAs/Stenos/PAs/ASOs/PSs/SOs
i) Induction training is for newly recruited Assistant Section Officers selected through Staff Selection Commission. It is essential for the new entrants to go through this training for gaining elementary knowledge, for know-how of daily nature work related to the desk and functioning of the Ministry. This training is to familiarize them with the basic aspects of office procedure so as to enhance their functional competence.
ii) The training is imparted on a wide variety of subjects which include:
- Organizational structure, functions and reporting hierarchy of Ministry of External Affairs
- Manual of Officer Procedure, noting, drafting, forms/modes of communication, record management, filing
- Basic IT Training including use of Libre Office etc., IT Security
- Fundamental and Supplementary Rules such as pay, Leave entitlements, conditions of service, probation, confirmation
- Classification of documents, handling of sensitive, classified documents, etc
- Finance module including GFR, preparation of proposals, sanctions, etc
- Right to Information
- Conduct Rules- Do’s and Don’ts, office etiquette, dress code, attendance
- CGHS, NPS, Travelling Allowances, LTC, Income Tax
- Introduction to IFS (PLCA) Rules
- Introduction to Passport and Consular related topics
- Physical Security features and guidelines etc
iii) The training is theoretical in nature. The duration of the training is 02 weeks.
I) Promotion related training programme is being conducted for various grades of IFS (B) Cadre. This training is mandatory and as the name suggests, is linked to promotion of officials. MEA Officials eligible for promotion are required to go through this training. The purpose of this training is to make officials well equipped with the essential skills to perform their duties with higher responsibilities diligently.
ii) The subjects covered under this training are:
- India’s Foreign Policy
- India and Neighbours
- Economic Diplomacy
- Development Partnership Cooperation
- Social Media Training
- India’s relations with P-5
- Diplomatic Etiquette
- Preparation of note for Cabinet/Cabinet Committees
- Establishment Rules- Supply and purchase of GOI Furniture & Equipments in Missions and Posts abroad, Purchase/sale and maintenance of official vehicles, Audit Objections thereon
- Soft skills, interaction and public dealing
- Public Private Partnership
- Leadership and Management skills
- Preventive Vigilance; Administrative Vigilance; and Disciplinary matters
- Utilization of RG
- Financial Management
- Diplomatic Writing and Communication
- Office procedure
- Noting and Drafting, File management, Documentation
- CCS Conduct Rules etc. with particular stress on Vigilance matters
- Communication with Parliament/MPs and Parliamentary procedure
- Indian Diaspora related topics
- IFS (PLCA) Rules
- Handling of Court Cases
- Delegation of Financial Power Rules & GFR
- E-Office/E-Filing
- Decision making process in Central government
- Local Cadre
- Protocol, Passport, Visa and Consular related topics
- Local Cadre
- e-Procurement process
- Cyber security
- Right to Information
- FR/SR; Pension and Retirement Benefits
- Working of Missions/Posts
- Preparation of budget and Accounts
iii) The duration of this training is 2 weeks for Section Officers. For all other officials, the duration of the training is 1 week.